Press accreditation

Media accreditation procedure

In order to request press accreditation at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, on the occasion of shows and events, it is necessary to follow the procedures indicated on this page, differentiated according to whether it is the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Italy or other events.

The NEW PASS SYSTEM of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza is now online. All users, including those who were previously enrolled in the system, will have to RETURN THE REGISTRATION PROCESS . The access requirements are the same (explained below) and the procedures for validating the account remain unchanged.

pass system

Events with accreditation in progress / planned

Kateyama Test – April 03/04, 2025 – Open procedure from 24/03/2025 until 04/04/2025 through the PASS SYSTEM.

Pre-season Official Test Porsche Carrera Cup Italia – 16 April 16, 2025 – Open procedure from 24/03/2025 until 15/04/2024 through the PASS SYSTEM


For information on media accreditation:

Communication & Press Office


Standard accreditation procedure

This procedure is applied to all events and shows, with the exception of the Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix. Please follow the instructions carefully.

The media pass is a business tool that must be used exclusively by members of the press. Registration for the accreditation service, which will be unique and valid for all races, can only be done online, by accessing the Pass System.

The system was created with a view to rationalizing the requirements and proceeding with the dematerialization of the documents necessary for accreditation to the events of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza. The registration process takes place only once, the user will then be enabled to request accreditation for the tenders of his interest.

For each event, the dates of activation and closure of the service are indicated from time to time. The early closure of the accreditation service is subject to the availability of passes and can take place at any time. Requests for accreditation will be evaluated only if made within the deadline and if they are complete with the required information, as follows.

Accreditation criteria

Typology Criterion
Paper newspapers and periodicals They must be for sale to the public (business and corporate magazines will not be accredited). Under no circumstances will advertising, public relations or corporate media agencies be credited.
online publications It is granted only in the event that they are registered with the court or have a traffic that guarantees high visibility to the event, providing access data. Instagram profiles, Facebook pages, etc. are not allowed.
Photographers and videographers They must prove that they have published photographs / videos relating to motorsport in the past in regularly registered print or online newspapers.
Freelance journalists They must prove that they have regularly published articles related to motorsport in the past.
Video operators Further information on possible filming rights and access to the track during the events could follow.


Ride Explanation
Registration for the accreditation service

Registration for the accreditation service can only be done online. The data provided will be stored simplifying the presentation of the various accreditation requests. The accreditation service is free and reserved for media operators. You must fill in all the required fields with your personal data, upload:

  • valid identity document (in pdf, jpeg, png format);
  • professional insurance policy (in pdf format) for the risk of accidents, death and civil liability towards third parties, in order to access the track, pit lane and / or other reserved areas, it being understood that the attribution of bibs is at the sole discretion of the Organizers and after checking the available places.

A confirmation email will be sent to the specified email address.

Activate your profile Registration on the portal must be activated by the user by clicking on the link in the automatic notification email.
Request for accreditation of tenders, by inserting the documentation

To request accreditation for the races, simply log in to the system with the e-mail and password indicated during registration on the portal. The user must then select the manifestation of his interest and upload on the portal:

  • letter of formal request on the letterhead of the Publication / Agency signed by the Director / Chief Editor;
  • your Portfolio relating to the manifestation of your interest, or 4 or 5 articles (if journalists), photos (if photographers), videos (if video operators) published in pdf, jpeg format, etc. and / or respective links relating to the material of each tender.

Consequently, request the validation of the contents by clicking on the appropriate button.

Confirmation of portfolio validation Once the profile has been completed, the press office will validate the portfolio, which is subject to checking the documentation sent. The validation of the portfolio is totally at the discretion of the Press Office, the acceptance of the accreditation request does not guarantee the possibility of obtaining a bib / track (available in limited numbers). It is not possible to approve the request in the presence of incomplete or non-compliant data. If the portfolio validation request is not accepted, an email notification will also be sent. It is recommended to check that they are received in the junk mail folder as well. The accreditation is issued following the presentation of the required documentation, it is therefore strictly personal and in no case transferable to third parties.
Access to the portal to request the pass Following the validation of the portfolio, the user is enabled to receive the pass. To complete the request it is necessary to access the account and request the accreditation pass for the selected event. The accreditation request can be made using the online service only.

Photographs and videos cannot be used for commercial use.

The details relating to each event (such as: activation of the accreditation service, collection of passes, opening hours of the accreditation center, press room, parking, etc.) are subject to organizational provisions and are therefore regulated differently for each event. This information, subject to change, is available from time to time in the section dedicated to each event.

The accreditation will be confirmed by e-mail. The sending may also take place a few days before the event itself.

Pass holders must agree to be identified by the service staff by showing an identity document.

By making the accreditation request, you declare that you are aware of the dangers inherent in the context of motor racing events and assisting in their development. They also certify that they have the experience and professional preparation to safely attend the event, that they undertake all necessary precautions to avoid physical and material damage, that they are aware of and comply with all national and international regulations governing the event. carrying out the profession in the field of motoring events, to respect the safety orders given along the route by the marshalls and by the service personnel.

If the rules are not respected, the Press Office has the right to invalidate a previously issued media pass, even during the course of the event.

The number of available accreditations is limited, therefore we invite you to request them only when you are sure that you can actually use them. If, despite having obtained it, it is no longer possible to use it, please notify us promptly, so that we can make it available for another person.

Extended information Pass System

Extended information Pass System

Red Zone Map

Red Zone Map