Legislation on historic cars: this is how it works, between requirements and advantages

For Italian law, are historic cars and vintage cars the same thing? What requirements must a vehicle have to qualify as a Historic and Collectible Car? What are the advantages of a machine certified as historic? Below, an in-depth analysis to better orient yourself in the fascinating vintage world of cars that made history. The charm of a car does not fade with the passage of time, especially if you take care of it with passion and attention. Historic cars , in fact, retain a unique beauty, also because they are indelible testimony of the period in which they were conceived. Owning a car with historical value , therefore, is a real privilege, which those who love cars know how to appreciate. Among other things, precisely because of their importance, which transcends economic evaluation, historic cars are subject to particular legislation , which recognizes certain tax advantages for their owners. To access it, however, the car must have certain requirements .

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When a car becomes a historic car: the requirements

In fact, it is the law that indicates the characteristics that a vehicle must have in order to be defined as historic. In particular, the relevant rule is article 60 of the Highway Code which governs two types of vehicles: vintage cars and cars of historical and collectible interest (which are often confused with each other). According to this provision: ” All those registered in one of the following registers fall into the category of motorcycles and motor vehicles of historical and collectible interest: ASI, Storico Lancia, Italiano FIAT, Italiano Alfa Romeo, Storico FMI”. The Highway Code, however, is not very exhaustive in terms of the requirements needed to have the historical and collectible interest of a car certified and therefore obtain inclusion in the aforementioned registers. The indication of these requirements, however, can be found elsewhere, such as in the regulations of the Italian Historical Automotoclub (ASI). A car is historic if:

  • at least 20 years have passed since its registration ;
  • it has bodywork, chassis and engine conforming to the original ;
  • it is in good condition .

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The advantages of a historic car: what can be done and what cannot be done

Once the classic car has been certified as such, it can access the regulations that concern it and also the related tax benefits . As regards the possibility of circulation on the road, the reference rule is always article 60 of the Highway Code: Vehicles of historical or collectible interest can circulate on the roads provided that they possess the requirements foreseen for this type of vehicle, determined by the regulation. Historic cars , therefore, can be used , except for professional or commercial activities. This is the biggest difference from classic cars , which, on the contrary, cannot drive. As for the tax benefits, they were partially reduced by the 2015 Stability Law . Up to that date, in fact, all historic cars benefited from significant reductions in the costs of the road tax and insurance policy . Advantages that are now reserved only for historic cars over 30 years old . Specifically, these benefits materialize:

  • in the payment of a reduced tax and only if you choose to circulate the car;
  • in the payment of a very advantageous insurance policy because it has a fixed class of merit .

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