Press accreditation

Accreditation procedure for the Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix

The procedure to apply for an accreditation for the Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix 2024 scheduled at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza from August 30 to September 1, 2024 ended on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Useful information

Accreditation requests for Italian media outlets wishing to cover their national event should be sent directly to the National Press Office or the Autodromo Nazionale Monza press office.

The response on the outcome of the accreditation will not be given until two weeks before the race weekend.

FIA portal

Those who are accredited for the first time must also register on the FIA portal at this address , filling in the form with their data and those of the newspaper. During the procedure, documents may be requested to be sent in original format by ordinary mail. It is important to know that the FIA reserves the right to refuse access to the online accreditation system.

Attention : Italian media already registered on the FIA portal who want to be accredited for the Formula 1 Italian Grand Prix must necessarily do so through the National Press Office , following the procedure indicated on this page, and not through the portal.

We remind you that:

  • The deadline for receiving accreditation applications for the Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix 2024 is Wednesday, July 24, 2024;
  • the list of requests will be submitted to the FIA which is responsible for final approval;
  • Requests received after the indicated deadlines or incomplete will not be taken into consideration in any way.

The instructions for accreditation applications given in this guide are valid for the FIA Formula 1 World Championship. The Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), owner of the rights of the Championship, recognizes the value of the journalistic coverage of the Championship, provided that such coverage respects both the intellectual property rights licensed by FIA to FOM, and third parties associated with the Championship.

Those interested in acquiring a press accreditation are advised to read these instructions carefully before submitting their applications.

Accredited newspapers and agencies, together with their journalists, photographers and editors are required to comply with these instructions.

Credit rules

Newspapers and Agencies are required to adhere to the following principles to ensure that Media Accreditation is reserved exclusively for professional journalists and photographers. The FIA considers the press pass as a business tool, which members of the press must use in bona-fide. Publishers, marketing staff, members of the editorial office, social media managers and influencers cannot be accredited as press.

The FIA only accredits newspapers and agencies:

a) with a minimum circulation whose size and quality meet the FIA criteria;

b) with format and quality that meet the FIA criteria;

c) that they are available to the public in points of sale (only for newspapers).

Company (Houseorgan) magazines, trade magazines and newsletters cannot be accredited as print. However, at the sole discretion of the FIA, and only if the quality and the dissemination criteria justify it, these journals may be considered for possible accreditation through a case-by-case evaluation.

Radio, TV and commercial photographers must send credit requests to the group that owns the commercial rights:

Formula 1 @ 2 ST JAMES’S MARKET, LONDON, SW 1 Y 4 AH Great Britain

Email: (for TV and radio)

Under no circumstances will the FIA credit public relations, advertising agencies or other similar companies and organizations as “Media”. Nor will any accreditation be issued to the representatives of their sponsors (Press Office Heads and the like), suppliers, teams, drivers, etc.

Requests for accreditation from the central and local offices of the main international press agencies (AFP, ANSA, AP, DPA, EFE, JIJI, KYODO, Press Association, Reuters, etc.) must be sent to the FIA and will be evaluated by the same.

Website Accreditation is intended only for the independent professional information service via the web. It may not be used for any other purpose, including commercial, promotional, public relations or entertainment use.

The FIA understands the growing importance of social media as a media outlets, but at the same time implements a strict policy on individuals or organizations whose information outputs rely primarily on content from others or on third-party platforms to reach users. The FIA recognizes the existence of such platforms, however it does not recognize the need for such entities to be accredited as media in order to fulfill their task.

Due to the limited space inside the racetracks, the number of accreditable Internet Sites is limited and availability may vary according to the venue of the event. Therefore, an accreditation request could be refused, even if it meets all the accreditation criteria.

A maximum of one representative per website may be accredited. At FIA’s sole discretion, more than one media pass may possibly be provided to an Internet Site. In the event that a Site is associated with publications in print or radio and television broadcasts, to which press accreditation has been guaranteed, no type of Internet Accreditation can be issued.

Accreditation criteria and requirements

As regards accreditation to individual races, priority will be given to the publications that publish articles or reports related to the competition for which accreditation is requested.

Publications and general information, economic or lifestyle magazines that do not publish conventional information articles on competitions (but whose coverage can be considered beneficial for the promotion of sport), may be awarded race-by-race press passes. . In general, a maximum of two representatives per newspaper / agency will be accredited at each race of the Championship (journalists and / or photographers).

All requests must meet the following requirements:

  • For newspapers, adequate coverage of the event is required, including, for example, an introductory article in the Thursday edition, in-depth articles in the Friday and Saturday editions and, where possible, also in the Sunday edition. Plus a summary report of the race in the Monday edition. For weekly and monthly publications, concrete coverage is required for each event. A relevant part of the overall content of the articles should be devoted to the topic of Formula 1. Media and Agencies applying for a race-by-race photographer accreditation must provide evidence of independent coverage that their images have been used for editorial purposes in at least 3 publications meeting the FIA Accreditation Criteria for each event for which they were accredited in the Championship of the previous year.
  • Quality. The highest standards of impartiality and accuracy are demanded of press representatives as a minimum quality requirement.
  • Decisions regarding the granting of accreditation are based on an assessment of the “media market” of the applicant’s country. The minimum circulation for a weekly or monthly publication required is 20,000 copies. For a national newspaper it must be at least 50,000 copies.

Freelance journalists must submit the accreditation request through their agency. The freelance journalist will be responsible for proving the regular supply of articles dedicated to Formula 1, to at least 3 publications, consistent with the FIA accreditation criteria.

Photographic agencies must be able to prove that the photos have been regularly sold to publications that meet the FIA criteria, and regularly paid for at the commercial rates in force. News organizations must be able to prove that the photographs published were taken by the photographer for whom accreditation is requested.

The FIA reserves the right to verify all information provided by publications and agencies to validate the issue of a pass or to refuse it if it does not meet the FIA criteria.

To be considered eligible for press accreditation, interested Internet sites must first register online and meet and meet the following accreditation criteria.

The FIA will not guarantee accreditation to Internet Sites associated with media organizations that have already been awarded a Media accreditation. These Sites must use the press pass obtained through the associated press media.

Applicants must be professional Internet sites, which regularly dedicate articles to the Championship and its events, or professional generalist or sports information site, with a section dedicated to the F1 Championship. In both cases, access to the site must be free for all users. Websites built on free platforms or run as a hobby with no commercial profitability are not considered professional.

The websites applying for accreditation must provide certified traffic data for the last 3 years (expressed in unique IP addresses per year) together with a geographical analysis of the users. In the event that it is a Site not entirely dedicated to the F1 Championship, the analysis must be limited to the section dedicated to the Championship itself.

Traffic data must be confirmed by an industry auditor deemed adequate by the FIA. To be considered, websites would need to get at least 100,000 unique users per month for their Formula 1 coverage. However, achieving this level of traffic does not automatically guarantee accreditation.

Applicants must provide satisfactory evidence of dedicated coverage on the site at each F1 Championship event in the previous 3 seasons, through items correctly sorted by date. Blogs will not be taken into consideration.

Websites reporters wishing to apply for a Permanent pass must have followed and covered at least 12 events during the previous season.

Please note that only coverage relating to the F1 Championship will be taken into consideration. General information articles, not specific to the competitions, will not be evaluated.

The applicant must undertake to publish, for each event of the Championship to which he has been accredited, in the following ways:

  • at least one news article (250 words or more) for each day starting Friday through Monday;
  • at least one in-depth article (500 words or more) for each event.

The journalist representing the newspaper must be a full-time professional journalist, with a journalist’s card and must be an employee or collaborator of the website, as a journalist, who will devote himself mainly or entirely to coverage of the Championship.

The website must have a “Contacts” section complete with a link from the homepage of the site, with a clear list that includes a complete postal address (no PO Box addresses), telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address; all journalists who collaborate with the site must be named either at the end of their articles or in another section of the site, while the photographs must be accompanied by a citation card from the author and all sources must be cited in accordance with more correct journalistic standards.

The website must have an appropriate written Privacy Policy and one for the Right of Reply / Complaint. That is, it must comply with all the laws, regulations, instructions and good practice specific to the operation of a website.

The applicant must respect the intellectual property rights of the FIA, Formula One Group and third parties. This includes the strict prohibition of: making any filming, recording sounds, using trademarks, titles or logos, or transmitting certain information as further specified in the “Accreditation Agreement”. If the pass holder is caught in the reproduction of any type of image relating to the event (or part of it), his accreditation will be immediately withdrawn and he will never again be admitted to any of the FIA championships.

Commercial photographers must send their credit request directly to the holder of the commercial rights, as specified in paragraph 1.

The FIA will assign Internet Accreditations taking into consideration the criteria listed above, in order to ensure that the Internet coverage given to the championship will be managed responsibly and will be as wide as possible. Please note that due to the limited space available for the press at Championship events, compliance with the above requirements alone does not guarantee Accreditation to Internet sites.

The FIA reserves the right to verify all information provided by the websites to validate the issue of a pass or to refuse it if it does not meet the FIA criteria.

The FIA will verify that the accreditation requests comply with the required criteria.

PDF files of material published following previous Championship events, especially those for which the applicant has been accredited, must be uploaded to the FIA system for each application. If no coverage matching the accreditation criteria is attached to the accreditation application, the application will be rejected.

The FIA will send an e-mail to the publication concerned informing it of the decision taken. If so, an “Accreditation Agreement” to be signed will also be entered.

In the event that the representative is unable to attend the event, the FIA Communications Department must be promptly notified, before the opening of the Accreditation Center. Failure to notify your absence could be a cause for refusal for future accreditation requests.

In case of replacement of the correspondent, the change of name must be communicated as soon as possible to the FIA Communications Department.

The Accreditation Agreement, sent together with the accreditation confirmation, must be signed by the accredited journalist/photographer and handed in to the Accreditation Center when collecting the Pass.

Press accreditation cannot be withdrawn without the delivery of this document.

In case a decision is contested, the individual request will be submitted to the FIA F1 Head of Communications for final decision.

The FIA works closely with the National Press Office and the National Sports Authorities to confirm the validity of the request.

For more information contact National Press Officer

Matteo Losa
