E-procurement - Autodromo di Monza supplier portal
Notification of the establishment of the Suppliers' Register
The SIASSpA Autodromo Nazionale Monza company has set up a Purchasing Portal and an online Suppliers Register for the management of the procurement procedures of its own structure.
The Suppliers Register, accessible from the SIAS Purchasing Portal home page, contains the general list of potential suppliers in which the economic operators suitable for awarding company contracts are registered and classified, as they possess the general requirements provided for by the Code of Contracts (Legislative Decree 50/2016) and the adequate requirements of professional capacity.
Registration in the Suppliers ‘ Register is a necessary condition for participation in the procedures for the award of sub- community contracts announced by SIAS SpA,
To proceed with the registration on the Portal and the subsequent classification in the Register of Suppliers, it is necessary to follow the operations indicated in the “ Operating Manual “, available on the home page of the aforementioned Portal, with registration and subsequent classification in the categories corresponding to the corporate purpose of the Chamber of Commerce
The platform provider, BravoSolution Italia SpA (Assistance service: monzanet@bravosolution.com , telephone +39 02 124121398 active from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 18:00) will provide to support the candidate suppliers by providing the necessary technical assistance in the data entry phase.
Having verified the completeness and suitable content of the documentation and data entered on the purchasing portal, SIAS will transform the status of the supplier from “Enabled” for the use of the Portal to “Qualified” in the Suppliers’ Register. This change will be duly notified to the supplier and the registration status will always be viewable in the system by the supplier.
Below is the reference link
Open list of technical professionals
List of professionals for the assignment of services relating to architecture and engineering and related technical-administrative activities, as per articles 24, 46 and 157 of the Procurement Code, for an amount lower than the EU thresholds, as identified in art. 35 of the same Code.
With this instrument, the Autodromo Nazionale Monza intends, while respecting the discipline of the Code of contracts and the Anac guidelines, simplify and speed up the activity of any assignment of assignments, during the three-year period 2020-2022, while guaranteeing the effectiveness of the principles of non-discrimination, equal treatment, proportionality, rotation in assignment and transparency of contractual activity
They are eligible to be registered on the List, provided that they meet the general, professional suitability and special requirements set out in the Notice, the economic operators referred to in art. 46, of the Legislative Decree. 50/2016.
Upon admission to the List of professionals, it follows the possibility of being invited to submit offers for the assignment of professional services of a technical nature .
Enrollment in the list is the necessary condition for the assignment of professional assignments.
Registration on the List may take place at any time during the period between the publication of this notice.
The List will be updated every six months to allow the introduction of the name of new operators in the list, the inclusion of all the changes that have occurred, as well as to make all cancellations.
Applications for registration and all documentation must be contained in a single digitally signed electronic document and sent only by certified e-mail to the e-mail address sias-acquisti@pec.it, indicating as subject: “Request for registration in the List of economic operators for the assignment of services relating to the architecture and engineering of the” Autodromo Nazionale Monza “.
Register of collaborators
and consultants
SIAS SpA has set up its own Register of Collaborators / Consultants.
The Register of Collaborators constitutes the archive in which all information, general and specific, relating to the Collaborators who are suitable to be selected for the conferment of professional assignments are collected.
To register in the Register , collaborators and consultants must:
- to read and comply with the Regulations for “The establishment and management of the Register of Collaborators / Consultants of SIAS SpA”;
- send SIAS SPA the application for registration in the Register.
Registration is possible at any time as the Collaborators Register is always open. For information and clarifications it is possible to contact and write topurchase@monzanet.it