The “ Every driver, a tree ” initiative, promoted by Automobile Club d'Italia in agreement with the General Command of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units of Carabinieri, continues on the occasion of the Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d'Italia 2024.

Twenty trees, one for each protagonist of the World Championship. A reforestation project with the planting of native plants supplied by the National Centers for Biodiversity of the Carabinieri. The appointment is for Friday 30 August at 11 am near the Variante Ascari .

These are native plants supplied by the National Centers for Biodiversity of the Carabinieri: wild apple, wild pear, pado, wild cherry, Turkey oak, oxyphilous ash and field maple. The idea is to offset part of the carbon dioxide emissions produced during major events and tends to enhance the role of plants in reducing air pollution.

Domenicali and Sticchi Damiani at the ceremony

The ceremony will be attended by the President and CEO of Formula 1, Stefano Domenicali, the President of ACI, Angelo SIcchi Damiani, the President of AC Milano, Geronimo La Russa, the President of Sias Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Giuseppe Redaelli, the General of the Army Corps Andrea Rispoli, Commander of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Unit Command, the Brigadier General, Raffaele Pio Manicone, Commander of the Carabinieri Biodiversity Group.

Objective 50 thousand trees throughout the country

The project was born from an idea by Paolo Cantarella, president of the ACI Sport Historic Car Commission, which has seen the planting of 740 trees so far in 2024 on the occasion of seven historic car races and the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Imola and Monza. This initiative is part of the national project “ A tree for the future ”, launched in 2021 by the Carabinieri Forestali in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, with the aim of creating a widespread forest, extending across the entire national territory through the planting of 50 thousand trees, all geolocalized, in a few years.

Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d'Italia 2023: Iniziativa "Ogni Pilota un albero"

Prosegue in occasione del Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d’Italia 2024 l’iniziativa “Ogni pilota un albero”, promossa da Automobile Club d’Italia d’intesa con il Comando Generale Unità Forestali, Ambientali e Agroalimentari dell’Arma dei Carabinieri. Venti alberi, uno per ogni protagonista del Mondiale.

Un progetto di rimboschimento con la messa a dimora di piante autoctone fornite dai Centri Nazionali per la Biodiversità dei Carabinieri.

L’appuntamento è per venerdì 30 agosto alle ore 11 nei pressi della Variante Ascari.

Si tratta di piante autoctone fornite dai Centri Nazionali per la Biodiversità dei Carabinieri: melo selvatico, pero selvatico, pado, ciliegio selvatico, cerro, frassino ossifilo e acero campestre.
L’idea è quella compensare parte delle emissioni di anidride carbonica prodotte nel corso dei grandi eventi e tende a valorizzare il ruolo delle piante nella riduzione dell’inquinamento atmosferico.

Domenicali e Sticchi Damiani alla cerimonia
Alla cerimonia parteciperanno il Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Formula 1, Stefano Domenicali, il Presidente dell’ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, il Presidente di AC Milano, Geronimo La Russa, il Presidente di Sias Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Giuseppe Redaelli, il Generale di Corpo d’Armata Andrea Rispoli, Comandante del Comando Unità Forestali Ambientali e Agroalimentari, il Generale di Brigata, Raffaele Pio Manicone, Comandante del Raggruppamento Carabinieri Biodiversità.

BrianzAcque e Autodromo Nazionale Monza rafforzano la partnership: 13 punti di erogazione gratuita d’acqua al Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d’Italia 2024

BrianzAcque torna in “pista” per fornire ancora più acqua, pubblica e gratuita, in occasione del Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d’Italia 2024 in programma dal 30 agosto al primo settembre. Si rinnova per il terzo anno consecutivo e si rafforza, infatti, la collaborazione tra l’azienda del servizio idrico integrato e Autodromo Nazionale Monza nel segno della sostenibilità ambientale, al fine di disincentivare l’utilizzo delle plastiche usa e getta. Una partnership che vede BrianzAcque impegnata nell'installazione temporanea di ben 12 punti di erogazione gratuita in Autodromo, a cui si aggiunge la postazione stabile della casetta dell’acqua alla statua del pilota Juan Manuel Fangio. Tre le postazioni che si aggiungono rispetto al 2023, sette in più considerando l’avvio dell’accordo due anni fa.


Sotto lo slogan “La Brianza che scorre, la Brianza che corre”, in un triennio l’impegno comune di BrianzAcque ed Autodromo è praticamente più che raddoppiato, anche in virtù del grande successo riscontrato. I numeri lo confermano, con un consumo d’acqua che è quadruplicato: si è passati, infatti, dai 31mila litri distribuiti nel 2022 ai 123mila dello scorso anno.

Ciò significa che nelle ultime due edizioni del Gran Premio questo accordo ha contribuito ad evitare l’utilizzo di quasi 310mila bottigliette “usa e getta” da mezzo litro. Dati incoraggianti che contribuiscono a minimizzare l'impatto dell'evento sull'ambiente e sulla comunità grazie ad una minor circolazione di rifiuti di plastica e valorizzano l’acqua pubblica con riflessi positivi per l'intero territorio.
Evidenzia il Presidente e AD di BrianzAcque, Enrico Boerci: “Questo accordo consolida la sinergia in chiave ambientale, un valore condiviso che si traduce in una azione concreta di cui beneficeranno le migliaia di appassionati attesi all’evento sportivo. Segno che, quando enti pubblici e privati unisco
le forze, portando avanti progetti su temi fondamentali, possono proporsi quali eccellenze anche all’interno di vetrine internazionali come il Gran Premio. Continuiamo a fare squadra, replicare e moltiplicare in futuro iniziative del genere convinti che la sostenibilità sia la chiave dello sviluppo consapevole della Brianza”.
Aggiunge il Vicepresidente di BrianzAcque, Gilberto Celletti: “Mettiamo a disposizione l’oro blu, patrimonio a chilometro zero del nostro territorio, per dissetare quanti più tifosi possibile. L’accordo con Autodromo ci vede impegnati a realizzare un vero e proprio unicum nel panorama degli eventi sportivi dove il rispetto dell’ambiente, e soprattutto della risorsa idrica, si concretizza producendo minor inquinamento dovuto al trasporto ed allo smaltimento della plastica. Una scelta green nel rispetto del grande polmone Parco di Monza in cui è inserito il circuito automobilistico”.

“Per il terzo anno si rinnova una collaborazione strategica e di grande valore con BrianzAcque – il commento del presidente di SIAS Autodromo Nazionale Monza Giuseppe Redaelli – Siamo certi che, dopo i grandi risultati delle scorse edizioni, anche nel 2024 riusciremo a salvaguardare l’ambiente fornendo un servizio ancora più capillare per tutti gli appassionati che assisteranno al Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d’Italia. L’obiettivo è quello di ridurre ulteriormente il consumo di plastica consolidando un comportamento virtuoso che, di anno in anno, vede una crescente consapevolezza da parte degli spettatori. Tutto ciò è reso possibile da una visione comune con BrianzAcque che è diventata parte integrante del nostro Gran Premio”.


Oltre alla casa dell’acqua alla statua di Fangio, gli altri banchi spillatori ed erogatori self-service troveranno posto in corrispondenza della FanZone, alla Curva
Parabolica e in tribuna Parabolica, in Tribuna Centrale, alla variante Ascari, all’interno del Camping, al Racing Office, due postazioni al Paddock, ed ancora in sala stampa, Terrazza ACI e Terrazza Comune di Monza. Nelle versioni liscia e gasata, a temperatura ambiente o refrigerata, l’acqua spillabile dalle postazioni presenti in Autodromo è la stessa che esce dal rubinetto attraverso la rete dell’acquedotto, buona, ecologica e sicura perché controllata da migliaia di analisi di laboratorio. Il servizio sarà attivo ininterrottamente durante tutte e tre le giornate del Gran Premio d’Italia.


Sticchi Damiani: “Concrete sign of the restart of the works finished on time thanks to teamwork".

A few days after the conclusion of the works on the track of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, the Automobile Club of Italy unveils the poster of the 2024 Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix scheduled for September 1st.

“It is with great pride that we present the poster of the 95th Italian Grand Prix in Monza after a very demanding and also suffered year due to the works that were carried out at the National Autodrome, works made complicated by external factors such as adverse weather and other complications of a technical nature – is the comment of the president of ACI, Angelo Sticchi Damiani –. But we made it 4 days ahead of the deadline set by the International Federation, i.e. 60 days before the grand prix took place. The success is due to the commitment of Sias, the Bacchi company, the director of the works, Professor Maurizio Crispino, ACI Progei and the General Director of the Autodromo Alfredo Scala. This collective effort definitively removed all doubts about maintaining the time commitment. This year our fans, teams and drivers will be able to be welcomed in a renovated, more modern and safer circuit”.

new tickets

New availability of tickets for the Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix

Tickets for the stands inside the Seconda di Lesmo and in the Ascari Variation are on sale.

They will be on sale from 1pm today, Wednesday 3 July, through the usual online sales channels on the website , and at the official Ticketone sales points and inside the Autodromo Nazionale Monza at the new Monza Circuit Shop tickets for stands 10bis ( Lesmo 2 Interno ), 19 ( Exit Ascari B ) and 20 ( Exit Ascari C ).

Less than two months after the green light on the 2024 Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix, the possibilities are growing for fans to follow their idols up close in the Temple of Speed. The official start is Thursday 29 August with the opening of the Fan Zone with free entry, while the engines of the 95th edition of the Italian Grand Prix will start on Friday 30 August with the highlight of the weekend scheduled for Sunday 1 September at 3.00 pm with the start of the sixteenth seasonal round of the FIA ​​Formula 1 World Championship.

For more information visit the page dedicated to the 2024 Italian Grand Prix.

ACI Motorsport Training School

Appointment at the circuit on April 6th, focus on safety during track events for the marshals of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza.

Motorsport is dangerous, motorsport is dangerous: the Americans write it both on the passes and on the networks of their speedways. But we can work to minimize risks and accidents, especially for workers. And this is the focus of the day regarding safety at work which will see the Marshals of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza as protagonists on Saturday 6 April. A day that will enjoy the support of Specialist Motorsport Academy, the ACI training school directed by Raffaele Giammaria on behalf of ACI Sport and which counts on the support of Sport and Health.

The appointment is at 10am at the Tazio Nuvolari Press Room. On the agenda: safety at work during track activity according to law 81/08 also known as the Consolidated Law on Safety, information on interferential risks (those resulting from possible interference between works carried out by different companies), correct use of PPE (personal protective equipment), information on the fire prevention service and a quick overview of the 2024 regulatory changes of the FIA ​​(International Automobile Federation) and ACI Sport (the national Federation).

After an introduction by Alessandro Tibiletti, president of the GUG, the floor will pass to Renato Schmidt, international race director of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Pietro Andreoni, motorsport fire prevention expert and Michele Taddei of EcoGeo (ASPP Sias spa).

Monza Circuit Experience

The Monza Circuit Experience starts again

Monza Circuit Experience - From Friday 15 March the tours of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza will restart between history and modernization works.

The Temple of Speed ​​starts running again. From Friday 15 March the Monza Circuit Experience resumes, the tour of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza which will take enthusiasts to discover the secrets of the Brianza circuit between hospitality, press room, race direction and the most famous suspended podium in the world.

An immersion in the Temple of Speed, accompanied by expert guides who will tell the story of the centenary circuit built inside the Monza Park and the modernization works affecting the Temple of Speed.

The Monza Circuit Experience will be active from Friday 15 March and for the following weeks, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday , with entrance from Biassono, Santa Maria delle Selve , and internal parking behind the Monza Circuit Shop where it will also be available the Temple of Speed ​​merchandising.

On the opening days, four different visits will be carried out at 10:00 – 11:30 – 14:30 – 16:00. It is possible to purchase the Monza Circuit Experience on the official TicketOne website.

For more information visit the tours page .

Tickets on sale for the Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe

On track the endurance spectacle with world-class manufacturers fighting for success. Still at the start Valentino Rossi on the BMW M4 GT3 together with Marciello and Martin

The engines of the Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe Powered by AWS are back in action at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza. For the 12th time, the SRO endurance series is coming to Brianza to contest its 3-hour race in the Temple of Speed. An unmissable appointment for the calendar of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza which, in 2024, will welcome the drivers on a renovated track after renovation operations.

Stephane Ratel , CEO of SRO commented on the relationship with Monza:"SRO has enjoyed a long and successful history with Monza, which first hosted one of our events - BPR - back in 1995. The Temple of Speed remains one of the world’s great circuits that is rightly revered by drivers and fans alike, while Italy’s enduring passion for motorsport - and GT racing - is underlined by the likes of Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati. The latter’s new GT2 car will be an undoubted highlight this year, along with the return of home hero Valentino Rossi.".

The best endurance racers in the world will compete for victory on the 5,793-metre Monza track. A host of prestigious manufacturers are set to be involved, including the likes ofAston Martin, Audi, BMW, Ferrari, Ford, Lamborghini, McLaren, Mercedes – AMG and Porsche .

After the unfortunate 2023 race, Valentino Rossi will return to Monza on the BMW M4 GT3 of the WRT team alongside the reigning champion Raffaele Marciello and Maxime Martin aiming for victory in front of the Italian public. But the competition will be fierce with several crews ready to do battle in the Temple of Speed.

Free entry on Friday with free practice for the Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe Powered by AWS, Fanatec GT2 European Series Powered by Pirelli , GT4 European Series Powered by RAFA Racing Club and McLaren Trophy .

The ticket, which allows access to all the grandstands open to the public and the paddock, will cost 20 Euros for Saturday , while on Sunday it is on sale for 25 Euros . Subscription for the two days of Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September for 35 Euros.

Buy your tickets.

Monza works

Modernization works - The future of F1 starts from Monza

140 days – 21 million euros a commitment to adapt to the standards of today's F1.

Sticchi Damiani : “ We will make this circuit one of the best in the world

Fontana : “ The Region always alongside the Autodrome, Park and Villa Reale

Domenicali : “ I thank the institutions for this notable effort

Pilotto : “ This intervention is a test of our capabilities"

On Friday 30 August 2024 , on the occasion of the 95th edition of the “Formula 1 Pirelli Gran Premio d'Italia”, the Autodromo Nazionale Monza - the oldest, most prestigious and fastest circuit in the F1 world - after 140 days of work and investments for a total of 21 million euros, will present itself to drivers, teams, workers, media, fans and enthusiasts with a completely renewed body and soul: a restyling that will make “The Temple of Speed” more modern, high-performance, safe, comfortable and sustainable. A commitment to adapt to the standards of modern Formula 1. The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini also participated in the start of the work this morning.

Angelo Sticchi Damiani (President of Automobile Club Italia)We want to combine the extraordinary history of this facility, which has hosted the exploits of the all-time champions of world motorsport, with technological research and the most cutting-edge architectural solutions, naturally with the utmost respect for the iconic place in which we are located. We are in fact inside the second largest fenced park in Europe, a restricted park, a treasure to be safeguarded for future generations. Within this context we have designed and from now on we will work towards the realization of an ambitious project which will have the aim, within three years, of completing a significant restyling of the Autodrome. The objective is to ensure that our system aligns itself with the best circuits around the world, in terms of the quality of the offer provided, preserving the plus of over one hundred years of history, the unique heritage of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza. Always in the search to keep the helm firmly in place, in the development of our journey that begins today, the first interventions are aimed at safeguarding the usability of the facility and the safety of the public, trying in the meantime to get to the next grand prix by immediately giving a new and captivating image of the circuit. We are absolutely grateful for the attention of the Government and the Public Authorities, demonstrated by the presence of the Honorable Matteo Salvini, Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, who wanted to demonstrate his support for the Automobile Club of Italy, to the Automobile Club Milano, represented here by President Geronimo La Russa, and to SIAS in the person of President Giuseppe Redaelli. A further testimony to the unity of the team that is carrying out this project is the unconditional support that the Lombardy Region, in the person of its President Attilio Fontana, has always shown".

Stefano Domenicali (President and CEO Formula 1) : "The important works starting here today represent the first step needed to adapt the Monza plant to the standards required by modern Formula 1. I want to thank the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the President of Lombardy, the President of the Automobile Club of Italy and the mayor of Monza for the effort that led to this announcement and to making the investments possible. I look forward to these works being completed in time for the Italian Grand Prix in September and look forward to seeing the full program of works continue over the coming years".

Attilio Fontana (President of the Lombardy Region)The complex of the Park and the Royal Villa of Monza is a jewel of our Lombardy which hosts important activities. Among these is the Autodromo where the Monza Grand Prix takes place which has a history and fame with few equals and an important return for the area. The Lombardy Region has always supported with substantial resources both the Villa Reale complex, with 55 million euros for the realization of the master plan, and ACI, with 32 million euros of autonomous resources and 25 million derived from the State, for the works that will allow use the systems as best as possible with an important economic return. We hope that the renovation works, which start today, will be completed within the scheduled timescales and that the planned works on the stands and boxes will also be completed as soon as possible. We also trust that the national institutions will continue to support, together with us, the Monza Park with its Villa and the Grand Prix".

Paolo Pilotto (Mayor of Monza)The constant commitment of all the public entities involved has made it possible to get to today with the start of the works. In particular, we have paid great attention to maintaining a stable and rigorous balance between the needs of the sports facility - which boasts a glorious history - and respect for the cultural and environmental heritage that surrounds it, which is equally historic and prestigious. Today's is certainly a goal, but also a challenge in ensuring quality and precision of execution, combining them with respect for the scheduled times: a test of speed and skill that the circuit requires and which we are certain will also be applied to the other works that the capital of Brianza awaits, starting from the extension of the M5 line from Milan to Monza."

A more modern, high-performance, safe, comfortable and sustainable system. Below, in summary, the most significant interventions that will affect the Autodromo Nazionale Monza and which, thanks to the use of materials obtained from regenerated and regenerable raw materials, will involve little exploitation of virgin resources and will have a minimal impact on the natural environment of the park and will allow the reduction of both air and noise pollution:

newly developed flexible paving , which will make the track more performing, both in terms of speed and resistance;

demolition and reconstruction of the curbs present along the curves;

renovation of the water collection and drainage system (the new system has been specifically designed to deal with the increasingly frequent extreme weather events);

redevelopment of the entrance avenue from Vedano ;

demolition and reconstruction of 3 underpasses (Santa Maria alle Selve entrance, adjacent to the swimming pool, and the two that reach viale Mirabello, passing under the straight stretch between the Ascari variant and the Parabolica-Alboreto curve);

construction of a new underpass that will connect Porta Vedano to the Parabolica;

creation of new pedestrian paths in concrete, an ideal material for outdoor pedestrian paving.

In all the underpasses, to guarantee the public can follow tests, qualifications and races in maximum safety, pedestrian and vehicular traffic will be separated and there will be a new, functional and safe access for heavy vehicles.

For more information on the Formula 1 Pirelli Italian Grand Prix 2024 - Buy tickets .