Arengario di Monza, guide to the discovery of the ancient town hall

The Arengario of Monza is one of the symbolic places of the city. Formerly the seat of the town hall, the medieval town hall now hosts important art exhibitions and events. A short guide to learn more about its structure and history.

The Arengario di Monza , located in the heart of the historic center , is one of the symbolic monuments of the city of Brianza and deserves to be included among the tourist points of interest. And its history also deserves to be known, albeit briefly. In fact, the events that over time have transformed and shaped the old town hall of Monza , now home to important exhibitions, tell a lot about the medieval history of Italy.

Plan your visit to Monza by following the right advice on what to see and what to do

A brief history of the Arengario: why it is called that and what it was used for

As in any self-respecting story, however, it is good to start from the beginning, that is, from the construction of the Arengario . According to the most accredited reconstructions (which must be trusted in the absence of certain data), the construction of the famous palace began towards the end of 1200 . A dating that seems to be confirmed also by an inscription above the entrance door, which refers to the year 1293 (expressed in Roman numerals). The then powerful mayor of Monza, Pietro Visconti , wanted the birth of the Arengario. But why did he build it? What was the Arengario used for? The triggering reason was the contrast between the power of the podestà and that of the church . Until the 13th century, in fact, the magistrates and the podestà used the curtain of the Cathedral for their activities, as they did not have a civil building that could house them. In 1250, however, the mayor was struck by excommunication and his stay near the main religious building in Monza became unwelcome. A confirmation of this struggle between civil power and religious power also comes from the place where the Arengario is located, a few steps from the Duomo, which it is also physically opposed to. At this point, however, it is legitimate to ask why the name of Arengario was chosen for the new town hall . What does this term mean? It is a word borrowed from the German, which means “ meeting place ”, to signal the fundamental function carried out by the building, seat of the municipality, the court and the merchants.

If you like cycling, visit Monza by bike

Structure and characteristics of the Palazzo Comunale of Monza

From the point of view of the structure and style, the Arengario is clearly inspired by the Palazzo della Ragione in Milan , built in the first half of the 1200s. The overall layout is longitudinal, with an open porch on the lower floor and a large covered room on the upper floor. Unlike the Milanese building, however, the town hall of Monza is flanked by an imposing bell tower . Furthermore, it should be noted that the current appearance of the Arengario does not correspond to its original state. In fact, between the end of the 1800s and the beginning of the 1900s, major renovations were planned and carried out, with a consequent reduction in the spaces of the complex, which previously also included the Palazzo Pretorio (demolished). A second massive restoration took place at the end of the 1960s, with the aim of supporting the exhibition vocation of the Arengario.

Monza for children: find out more

The exhibitions of the Arengario

Not surprisingly, today the ancient municipal building in Brianza is home to very important art exhibitions and events organized by the municipal administration. The permanent collections that it previously housed, on the other hand, have been transferred to the Civic Museums. To find out about the exhibitions in the Arengario in real time, you can consult the website of the Municipality of Monza .

Visit the Arengario: contacts, where it is, how to reach it

As anticipated, the Arengario is located in the historic center, precisely in Piazza Roma . It is therefore easily reachable on foot from any of the other tourist sites ( Monza Cathedral and its Museum , Villa Reale , Monza Park ). The structure is open to the public every day, except Mondays, from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 7pm . For information, please call 039 329541 .

You cannot pass through Monza without visiting the National Circuit: discover all the guided tours


The original contents of this article are produced by an external service without any involvement of the press office of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza.

Italian ACI Karting Championship, the complete guide

The Italian ACI Karting 2022 Championship will officially kick off on May 22nd. In this short guide, all the information you need to follow the highest national competition for kart drivers. From the calendar to the circuits involved, from the titles up for grabs to the competition methods.

As every year, the Italian world of karting is preparing to experience its most important national competition, namely the Italian ACI Karting 2022 Championship . Five events scattered throughout Italy, hosted in circuits that will see the best kart drivers compete. There are ten titles up for grabs, divided over numerous competition categories. Here is everything you need to know about this competition if you are a kart racing enthusiast.

Discover JustSpeed Monza Karting, the kart track of the Monza racetrack

The regulations of the Italian ACI Kart Championship

Let's start by taking a look at the essential elements of the Championship rules (which are available in full at this link ). In particular, it is interesting to see the list of admitted classes and titles up for grabs that pilots can aspire to conquer.

Admitted classes and titles up for grabs

The following national classes are admitted to the Italian ACI Karting Championship:

  • 125 KZ2
  • MINI Gr.3
  • 60 Minikart
  • 125 KZN (Under - Senior)
  • IAME X30 Junior
  • IAME X30 Senior
  • Junior ROK
  • Senior ROK

Consequently, the titles up for grabs are the following:

  • Italian Karting Champion 125 KZ2 Drivers
  • Italian Karting Championship Conductors 125 KZ2 Under 18
  • Italian Karting Champion MINI Drivers Gr.3
  • Italian Karting Champion Drivers 60 Minikart
  • Italian Karting Champion 125 KZN Drivers (Under - Senior)
  • Italian Karting Champion IAME X30 Junior Drivers
  • Italian Karting Champion IAME X30 Senior Drivers
  • Italian Champion Karting Junior ROK Drivers
  • Italian Champion Karting Senior ROK Drivers
  • Italian Female Karting Champion

How the competitions take place

Each appointment of the national championship includes two races , the first with a longer length than the second. The starting grid of Race 1 is established by the races of the eliminatory phase. In Race 2, on the other hand, the first eight positions correspond to the inverse of the arrival order of Race 1 (in essence, the first classified part eighth, and vice versa). The final score won by the driver is the sum of the points collected in each race . It should be noted, however, that the various appointments on the calendar do not all have the same weight. In fact, some circuits are assigned a coefficient of 1.5 (Pista Salentina and Pista Sette Laghi), which must be multiplied by the score obtained by the driver in that stage.

The calendar of the Italian Kart Championship and the circuits involved

At this point, the time has come to discover the calendar of the Italian ACI Karting 2022 Championship , the main thing that every motor lover wants to know, in order to follow his favorite challenges. Regarding the number of races, the Championship provides for a distinction based on categories. For some, in fact, there are 5 appointments, for others 3. In both cases, however, the map of the circuits involved crosses all of Italy.

Here is the complete list of dates and tracks:

  • May 22, 2022 - Franciacorta Karting Track - Castrezzato (Brescia)

Categories: KZ2, MINI Gr.3, 60 Minikart, KZN, X30 Junior and Senior, Rok Junior and Senior.

The results

  • June 26, 2022 - Salento track - Ugento (Lecce)

Categories: KZ2, MINI Gr.3, 60 Minikart, KZN, X30 Junior and Senior.

The results

  • 24 July 2022 - 7 Lakes Runway - Castelletto di Branduzzo (Pavia)

Categories: KZ2, MINI Gr.3, 60 Minikart, X30 Junior and Senior, Rok Junior and Senior.

The results

  • 28 August 2022 - Naples International Circuit - Sarno (Salerno)

Categories: KZ2, MINI Gr.3, 60 Minikart, X30 Junior and Senior, OK and OK-Junior (single test).

The results

  • 25 September 2022 - Kartodromo Val Vibrata - Sant'Egidio alla Vibrata (Teramo)

Categories: KZ2, MINI Gr.3, 60 Minikart, KZN, X30 Junior and Senior, Rok Junior and Senior.

The results

Discover JustSpeed Monza Karting, the kart track of the Monza racetrack


The original contents of this article are produced by an external service without any involvement of the press office of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza.

monza city center

Discovering the historic center of Monza, an unmissable jewel

The historic center of Monza preserves some of the artistic and cultural treasures of the city of Brianza. In a few square kilometers, walking along well-kept streets, you cross centuries of history, letting yourself be conquered by symbolic monuments such as the Cathedral, the Tower of Teodolinda, the Arengario and the numerous churches scattered throughout. The historic center of Monza, therefore, is undoubtedly among the things to see if you decide to visit the area.

If you are planning a visit to Monza , for one or more days, know that you absolutely must plan a walk through the historic center . In fact, this is undoubtedly the best way to get to know the city of Brianza , its history, its artistic heritage and its cultural background. In particular, there are some points in the historic center of Monza that cannot be ignored. Here is a short itinerary to not get lost.

strico monza center

The Duomo complex

This virtual journey cannot fail to start from the beating heart of the city: the Duomo of Monza , with all that it contains. In fact, inside the minor Basilica of San Giovanni Battista (this is its real name) there are some of the most precious pieces that Monza has to offer to tourists: the wonderful Theodolinda Chapel, theTree of Life by Arcimboldo, a rich series of prestigious frescoes , the Iron Crown and the Museum of the Treasure and Cathedral of Monza .

Find out what to eat in Monza

The Arengario palace

A little more than 100 meters on foot from the Duomo, stands the other symbol of Monza: the Palazzo dell'Arengario , that is the ancient town hall. Its importance is also confirmed by its strategic position, as it overlooks Piazza Roma , the nerve center of the city, from which all the main streets branch off. Today, the building is used as an exhibition space , while the ancient collections that filled it have been transferred to the nearby Civic Museums , housed in the Casa degli Umiliati .

The Civic Museums of Monza

The distance between the Arengario and the Museums is really minimal, less than 300 meters, passing again near the Duomo. To confirm that walking around Monza is very easy. The building where the museums are located was an old reception house for lay members of religious orders . Today, the two floors of the structure house both archaeological finds and paintings from the sixteenth to the twentieth century , as well as temporary exhibitions .

The Longobard Tower, the Teodolinda Tower and the Viscontea Tower

If you leave the Civic Museums and head towards the Lambro river , you have the opportunity to admire two towers, which are also very characteristic. They are the Lombard Tower , the only one from that period still intact, and the Tower of Teodolinda , from the Middle Ages. Also along the Lambro there is also the nineteenth-century Torre Viscontea , but moved further south, about 500 meters from the other two.

What to do in Monza

The Ponte dei Leoni and the remains of the Ponte d'Arena

Near the Tower of Teodolinda, it is also possible to admire the Bridge of the lions , the most famous of those that cross the Lambro river. It was built in the mid-1800s, with the intention of enhancing the Austrian Empire. To make room for it, what remained of the old Ponte d'Arena was demolished, much larger but already partially destroyed by a flood, the last of which are still visible.

The churches and other monuments of the historic center of Monza

In closing and in no particular order, some other places of historical and artistic interest deserve to be mentioned, such as the war memorial located in Piazza Trento e Trieste . The same goes for the numerous churches scattered all over the city, such as Santa Maria in Strada , San Maurizio (where legend has it that the nun of Monza took her vows), Santa Maria al Carrobiolo and San Pietro Martire .

Experience the emotions of a driver on the track of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

Safe driving, a course to become responsible pilots

Taking a safe driving course to learn how to drive responsibly is a great idea. The important thing, however, is to be clear about what safe driving means and what are the characteristics that a course must have to be really useful. Here are some tips for future riders with their heads on their shoulders.

Having a driver's license in your pocket does not mean being a good driver . Likewise, being technically capable behind the wheel does not necessarily imply that you are able to carry your car or motorcycle safely . It often happens, in fact, to meet people exceptionally capable of dominating their own car, perhaps even whizzing at high speed or in unfavorable conditions, however, precisely because of this excess of confidence, they implement very unsafe behavior , both for themselves and for any passengers or road users. Safe driving , therefore, is a very different concept from sporty driving or driving skills, and to implement it you don't have to be professional pilots . Not surprisingly, there are real theoretical-practical courses to learn how to drive safely , open to anyone with a driving license.

Do you want to become a real car driver?

What is meant by safe driving

To be more precise, the definition of safe driving includes a plurality of capabilities . Some have to do with technical aspects of car or motorcycle driving, while others have particular cognitive abilities. In summary, safe driving means:

  • Ability to control the vehicle in situations of poor grip with the road surface (such as in the case of wet asphalt or covered with ice)
  • Ability to control the vehicle in poor visibility situations (fog, heavy rain and the like)
  • Ability to prevent dangers and to behave in order to avoid or overcome them
  • Ability to self-assess one's driving ability (omitting to get behind the wheel if too tired or not perfectly lucid)

How it works and how much does a safe driving course cost

To learn the fundamentals of safety behind the wheel , the best way is to take a safe driving course . There are many on the market, some even officially organized by the ACI , at different locations. The Autodromo Nazionale Monza also frequently hosts events dedicated to safe driving. However, to choose the right course and not be attracted only by advertising, you need to pay attention to the program, which must mix both theoretical lessons and practical exercises in a balanced way. In addition, a serious safe driving course must include basic concepts from various fields : physics of movement, physics of materials, electronics, sociology, psychology. Only a multidisciplinary approach, in fact, can give that complete overview of the car (or motorcycle) and of oneself that is necessary to drive safely.

Discover all the events of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

endurance races

Endurance races, when motorsport becomes endurance

Endurance races for cars are long-lasting competitions, even up to 24 hours, which require drivers to have a particular stamina. They are raced aboard Touring, Gran Turismo, Sport or prototype cars. In some cases, these are competitions that have made the history of motoring, such as the Mille Miglia or the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Usually, the first association that comes to mind when it comes to car racing is that with speed . Racing cars that devour the asphalt at over 300 km / h, drivers who attack the curves as if they never want to brake, single-seaters that whiz under the stands so fast that they are almost invisible. These are the images that the word motoring evokes to mind. Yet, there are competitions in which speed is not the most important variable , but where resistance counts, the ability to push beyond one's limits and stay behind the wheel for hours and hours, grinding kilometers after kilometers. It's the crazy world of car endurance .

What is endurance in sport and motoring

In reality, the term endurance is not a peculiarity of motoring and motorsport . There are endurance specialties in many sports, such as cycling, running or horse riding. The English word, in fact, translates with the Italian " resistance " and is used to define all those competitions that have a particularly long duration and therefore require athletes a considerable effort over time.

Find out more about regularity races

How endurance car races work and how long they last

Currently, in motor racing, endurance races are held exclusively on the track , within racetracks that guarantee high levels of safety. A single endurance race of this type can last up to 24 hours .

In the past, in addition to track races, endurance road competitions were also planned, held in streets open to traffic. Their high danger, however, has led to their progressive cancellation or transformation into track races. Heirs of those old endurance road competitions are the current rallies , which however have very different rules and methods of development (and are not part of endurance races).

Endurance machines

Obviously, in order to face such particular competitions, suitable machines are needed. From an aesthetic point of view, endurance cars wink at Formula 1 single-seaters . They are light (up to 850 kg), equipped with powerful engines (even higher than 1000 horsepower) and therefore capable of exceeding 200 km / h. In general, endurance cars can be divided into four categories :

  • Touring , designed and built in series for road use and adapted to racing;
  • Gran Turismo , designed and built in limited numbers and adapted to racing;
  • Sport
  • Prototypes

The most important endurance races for cars

Among the endurance competitions of the past, there are some that have really made the history of motoring, such as the Mille Miglia (which now only exists in the form of historical re-enactment) or the Targa Florio (the oldest, today it has become a rally). . Among the races that are still held, however, one cannot fail to mention the 24 Hours of Le Mans , which is also a stage of the World Endurance Championship (WEC) . The latter is today the international competition par excellence in the sector. Since 2012, it has been managed by FIA and includes 6 races (which also include the 6 Hours of Monza and the famous 6 Hours of Spa ), open to cars Sport Prototypes (LMP1 and LMP2) e Gran Turismo (GTE-Pro and GTE-Am), to which the very powerful have been added from 2021 Hypercar . Other endurance races of international standing are the 24 Hours of Nurburgring in Germany, the 12 Hours of Bathurst in Australia, the 24 Hours of Daytona and the Petit Le Mans in the United States .

Buy tickets for the 6 Hours of Monza

bike monza

Monza by bike, 4 itineraries not to be missed to discover the city and Brianza

A short guide to find out where to cycle in Monza and Brianza. Four cycle tourism itineraries suitable for all ages and training levels. A different way, slower and more aware, to discover some of the beauties of Monza: from the National Circuit to the Park, from the historic center to the Lambro river. Cycling you learn and discover.

Monza and Brianza are places rich in history, culture, art and nature, which can be visited on a bicycle . For this reason, in the area, cycling is an increasingly present reality. A travel modality that is worth experiencing at least once in a lifetime, because it helps you to enjoy things with greater slowness and depth . There are numerous possible itineraries to travel by bike in Monza and its surroundings; just as there are many services offered to tourists who love to cycle, starting with public bicycle rental . Below, 4 proposals to tour Monza and Brianza by bike, suitable for all ages, needs and training levels. Have a good ride!

Pedaling and adrenaline: bike tour on the track of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

Have you ever imagined being able to tread, riding a bicycle , the famous track of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza ? It seems like a dream but it is reality. The Temple of Speed, in fact, on certain days of the year, opens its doors to amateur and professional cyclists who wish to take a tour of the track on two wheels. A unique emotion, which leads bike enthusiasts to try their hand on a truly special asphalt, full of history and adrenaline.

Find out more about the Bike on track initiative

Immersed in nature: discover the Monza Park by bicycle

The Monza Park, which is part, together with the Royal Villa , of the Royal Palace complex, is a place of indisputable charm, which has nothing to envy to the more famous Versailles. The largest fenced park in Europe, in fact, hosts a multiplicity of tourist attractions, for adults and children. And the best way to get to know and visit the Monza Park is by bicycle , which can also be easily rented on the spot .

Find out more about the Monza Park

Between history and art: cycling in the historic center of Monza

The historic center of Monza is an elegant lounge, a treasure chest that holds pearls of beauty such as the Duomo of Monza with its Museum of Treasures , the Teodolinda Tower or the numerous and suggestive churches . Everything is gathered in a small square of a few square kilometers, almost flat. An ideal situation to try cycling tourists and visit the monuments and places of interest by cycling. Among other things, cycling makes you hungry and you will have an excuse to taste the specialties of Brianza cuisine .

Read also: What to do in Monza and What to see in Monza

The Lambro ring: getting to know the river on a bike

You cannot visit Monza without paying homage to its true master: the Lambro river. And cycling is really the best way to approach this encounter. There are several cycling routes that run along the Lambro and allow you to get to know other areas of Brianza. Which one to choose? It all depends on your level of training and how much time you want to spend on the bike. One of the most interesting, however, is undoubtedly the circular tour that leads to Verano Brianza and back ( detailed route here ). A real ride in the heart of Brianza.

All the races and events of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

road test

Test drive, a fundamental test before buying a car

With test drives, car dealerships give customers the opportunity to test the car they want to buy through a road test. The test drive, therefore, is a fundamental step in choosing a new car, because it allows you to know its driving characteristics and to understand if you are comfortable behind the wheel. But how does a test drive practically work? How long does it last? Does it have a cost? An in-depth study to find out more.

Buying a new car (but also a used one), especially for those who are passionate about engines, really represents a crucial moment. You have to decide the car manufacturer and then the model and a thousand other details that will make the car that will come out of the dealership unique. Beyond the more or less important details, what really matters when you are about to make such a special purchase is to understand the driveability of the new car . Driving, in fact, is not a merely technical question, but a skein of emotion and rationality, of gestures to be done mechanically and vibrations that are felt to the skin. So, to dispel any doubts, it is better to book a nice test drive .

What is a test drive

Literally, the English phrase test drive translates into "test drive" , better known also as " road test ". In reality, however, a few differences emerge if we thoroughly investigate the use that the motor industry makes of the two terms. The "road test" formula, in fact, is usually used by newspapers that deal specifically with engines to report the columns dedicated to reviews of new cars, made after a test drive that takes place "on the road". The test drive , on the other hand, refers to the possibility that car dealerships give potential customers to test the car they intend to buy, taking a short test drive . Finally, in some cases, events during which you have the opportunity to drive famous cars, such as Ferrari or Lamborghini, also take the name of test divas, even within official circuits. Adrenaline-pumping experiences very similar to track days , which also take place at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

Find out more about Track Days

How it works and how the test drive takes place in the dealership

But returning to talk about test drives in its classic meaning, it is interesting to know how it works , which follows an almost standard script, with some variations depending on the dealership that makes it. Usually, these are activities organized by appointment , in which the customer takes part, who gets to drive, and the car showroom consultant, who occupies the passenger seat and indicates the route to follow. The test, in fact, takes place on a public road open to traffic , near the dealership. It should be noted that, in the event of an accident , you are still covered by the retailer's insurance.

How long does it last?

The duration of the test drive varies , but usually ranges between 20 and 30 minutes , an adequate time to give the future buyer the opportunity to understand what sensations he receives from the car while driving and to familiarize himself with the spaces and controls.

How much?

Being aimed at the purchase of the car, the dealership has every interest in granting the test drive to the potential customer. For this reason, as a rule, this type of road test is totally free . Indeed, some car showrooms organize periodic test drive events to let anyone interested in trying the cars.

Realize your dream of becoming a driver in the Monza Autodrome

Regularity races for cars, when precision counts more than speed

In regularity races, both for historic cars and for modern cars, it is not important to be the fastest but the most precise. In fact, during a regularity race, set times are communicated to the driver and navigator to complete the various sections of the route. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a fixed average pace. Here's how they work and who can participate.

When one thinks of a car race, one tends to imagine four-wheeled racing cars whizzing on the asphalt at full speed. In reality, however, this is not always the case. In some races, in fact, the real goal is not to be faster than others by launching at hundreds of kilometers per hour, but to be more precise , sliding along the entire course with the regularity of a metronome. These are the so-called regularity races , a world that deserves to be known better.

Driver for a day on the track of the Autodromo Nazionale Monza

What are regularity races

By definition, in the world of motors, regularity races are those competitions in which participants are required to cover the different sections of the route at predetermined times . The route is marked in a Road Book , which is given to all crews. Furthermore, for the entire duration of the race, the cars must be driven at the indicated average speed (usually 50 km / h). The lengths of the regularity races are quite variable, between 80 and 300 km in total, sometimes even divided over different and consecutive days. Depending on the vehicles that are allowed to participate, the regularity races are divided into:

  • Classic Regularity , with cars in original trim, on public roads;
  • Sport Regularity , with cars in sport trim, on closed routes.

Each category, then, is further organized into races for historic cars and races for modern cars .

Regularity races for historic cars; who can participate

Regularity races for historic cars are reserved for cars over thirty years old , therefore registered before 1992. To participate in competitions of this type it is necessary to obtain a regularity sports license from the ACI , which requires as requirements:

  • possession of driving license B;
  • the possession of a sports medical certificate for the performance of competitive activities;
  • attendance of a specific theoretical-practical course.

Furthermore, the vehicle must be certified as a historic car and must therefore be equipped with a specific identity card , issued by CSAI or ASI, which certifies its conformity with the original model.

Regularity races for modern cars: who can participate

Regularity races for modern cars, on the other hand, are all those in which cars less than 30 years old (therefore registered after 1992) are allowed to participate. The entry rules are identical to those seen for historic car races, except for the vehicle certification form, which in this case is not provided.

Find out how to become a racing car driver

How a regularity race works

The functioning of a regularity race differs from competition to competition. There are, however, some elements that return, such as those concerning the composition of the crew, the presence of special stages during the journey, the timing of the time and the criteria for composing the final classification.

As for the crew , this consists of two people :

  • the driver , who drives the car;
  • the navigator , who has the extremely delicate task of managing the Road Book and giving the driver the right information.

From the point of view of the path , however, there are two relevant elements. The first concerns the departure. At the start, in fact, the cars are started staggered , with a cadence that is usually one vehicle every 30 or 60 seconds. The other important feature is the presence, along the route, of special stages, that is, stretches of road that must be covered in pre-established times, with precision to the hundredth of a second. To delay or to anticipate means to collect penalties.

Finally, as regards the final classification, a weight is usually also attributed to the age of the vehicle , to guarantee an advantage to the older ones, since they are the most difficult to drive.

All you need to know about the Mille Miglia

Legislation on historic cars: this is how it works, between requirements and advantages

For Italian law, are historic cars and vintage cars the same thing? What requirements must a vehicle have to qualify as a Historic and Collectible Car? What are the advantages of a machine certified as historic? Below, an in-depth analysis to better orient yourself in the fascinating vintage world of cars that made history.

The charm of a car does not fade with the passage of time, especially if it is cared for with passion and attention. Historic cars , in fact, retain a unique beauty, also because they are indelible testimony of the period in which they were conceived. Owning a car with historical value , therefore, is a real privilege, which those who love cars know how to appreciate. Among other things, precisely because of their importance, which transcends economic evaluation, historic cars are subject to particular legislation , which recognizes certain tax advantages for their owners. To be able to access it, however, the car must meet certain requirements .

Read the history of the Monza racetrack

When a car becomes a historic car: the requirements

In fact, it is the law that indicates the characteristics that a vehicle must have in order to be defined as historic. In particular, the relevant rule is article 60 of the Highway Code which governs two types of vehicles: vintage cars and cars of historical and collectible interest (which are often confused with each other). According to this provision:

" The category of motor vehicles and vehicles of historical and collectible interest all include those registered in one of the following registers: ASI, Storico Lancia, Italian FIAT, Italian Alfa Romeo, Storico FMI".

The Highway Code, however, is not very exhaustive in terms of the requisites needed to certify the historical and collectible interest of a car and therefore obtain its inclusion in the aforementioned registers. The indication of these requirements, however, can be found elsewhere, such as in the regulations of the Italian Historical Automotoclub (ASI). A car is historic if:

  • at least 20 years have passed since its registration ;
  • it has bodywork, chassis and engine conforming to the original ;
  • it is in good condition .

Mille Miglia pills, the most beautiful race in the world

The advantages of a historic car: what can be done and what cannot be done

Once the historic car has been certified as such, it can access the legislation that concerns it and also the related tax advantages . As regards the possibility of driving on the road, the reference standard is always article 60 of the Highway Code:

Vehicles of historical or collectible interest can circulate on the roads as long as they meet the requirements for this type of vehicle, determined by the regulation.

Historic cars , therefore, can be used , except for professional or commercial activities. This is the biggest difference from classic cars , which, on the contrary, cannot drive.

As for the tax benefits, they were partially reduced by the 2015 Stability Law . Up to that date, in fact, all historic cars benefited from significant reductions in the costs of the road tax and insurance policy . Advantages that are now reserved only for historic cars over 30 years old . Specifically, these benefits materialize:

  • in the payment of a reduced tax and only if you choose to circulate the car;
  • in the payment of a very advantageous insurance policy because it has a fixed class of merit .

Become a driver for a day on the Monza track

Visiting Monza with children, 3 tips to entertain them (and have fun)

What can you do and what can you see in Monza with children? The city of Brianza is full of opportunities to entertain the little ones and make them discover new things. Three destinations, however, are truly unmissable when visiting Monza with children: the National Circuit, the Royal Villa and the Civic Museums.

Monza and Brianza are perfect tourist destinations for families with children . In fact, alongside the artistic and natural beauties of which the territory is rich, there are also many attractions designed for the little ones . In fact, just a simple walk through the historic center of Monza or a visit to the Duomo and its Treasury are activities that intrigue and entertain children, as well as adults. However, if you want to go without fail and leave them speechless, these three places must certainly be included in your travel itinerary: the Autodromo Nazionale Monza , the Royal Villa and its Park , the Civic Museums .

Autodromo Nazionale Monza, family size speed

In Monza, the Autodrome is a kind of city institution, a symbol known throughout the world as the Temple of Speed . Every year, thousands of people visit it or take part in the numerous sporting events it hosts, including the Italian Formula 1 Grand Prix . A magical place that exerts a very special charm on children, thanks to its beauty and the indisputable attractiveness of the cars and champions that pass through it. What matters most, however, is that the racetrack is truly a family-sized tourist attraction, which can also be experienced by those who are not passionate about engines. The possibilities for fun, in fact, are many: from bicycle rides to guided tours that lead young and old to discover all the secrets of the structure.

Discover the history of the Monza racetrack

Monza Park, guaranteed fun for children of all ages

If there is a place in Monza that is truly child-friendly, it is probably the park attached to the Villa Reale . It is an almost unique green area, the largest enclosed park in Europe, capable of rivaling the most noble Palace of Versailles. Visiting the Villa and its Gardens is certainly one of the first things to do when passing through Monza; even the little ones will be fascinated by it. What really makes children go crazy with joy, however, is the freedom and fun they can enjoy while running around the magnificent park, jumping from one attraction to another: paths surrounded by greenery (such as that of gnomes or that of witches) , adventure park , the ride on the little train and much more.

Find out more about the Monza Park and the Royal Villa

Civic Museums

The Civic Museums are another small jewel of Monza, less known than other city monuments but equally significant. They are located in the historic center and offer a rich catalog of permanent and temporary exhibitions, which meet the tastes of young and old. At the same time, however, the proposal of the Civic Museums of Monza is full of initiatives dedicated to children, with creative workshops for all ages. To find the most suitable, simply consult the official website .

Trip to Monza? Become a pilot for a day